Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Interior Set Part 3

As mentioned in a previous post the stairs were built up using balsa wood, using timber as support.

I acquired the desired colour of the steps the same way I did with the floor boards, building up layers of watered down acrylic paints.

A skirting board was made from balsa wood painted in acrylic and glued in place using UHU

The banister was made using a wooden dowel and balsa wood. Both painted using acrylic paint.

The paintings on the walls were created on the computer and printed off, mounting them to the back of balsa wood frames of various sizes. 

The statue above is what the design of my alien was loosely based on, its apparently a statue of an ancient alien. The characters below are Theodor's dad and granddad.

The photo for Theodor's dad had to move, so I attached a pin to the back and press it into the wall so I could animate it.

The dado rail was made from balsa wood and the wallpaper was taken form a book I found.

The final side wall.

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